A girl.... loves pink, loves puppies, sings, is not interested in sports, is sweet, is innocent and naive, is not good at physics and math, does not have the right to go crazy and wild with joy with people around, is not supposed to propose her love for a guy,can not have a proficient career and a blissful family life. SO MUCH FOR THE XX. @Q#@$@#!%@#$%#$!
(Disclaimer-no generalisations made)
I love cricket and tennis. I know the difference between pace bowling and spin bowling. I can count numbers. I know which is left and which is right. I can take care of myself from roadside romeos. I like pink but I LOVE BLACK. Given a chance, me and my friends would love to keep chatting on the roads until its dinner time. I like to whistle when Rajinikanth appears for the first time on the screen in a theatre. I love to argue and not abide. I dont feel ashamed to express my feelings to my family/friends. I know I can manage a demanding job and an energy-sapping kid. Now...tell me if there is something genetically unusual!
With all the apparent development in the society (ofcourse I mean Indian), the feminine gender is still expected to be a certain way. Fundamental norms of ethics are what define a society. This I completely agree with. But a girl who hugs a guy friend and who wears fitting clothes neednt be given a killer stare. Your discrimination and reservation is not going to help us.
We are just a single chromosome different. Open your eyes!!
PS: I do not believe in the feminist movement. I only believe in equal opportunity, rights and duties for all.
True, what you came up with ! But I do believe that the single X makes a big difference to the innate abilities and interests. When I say this, I actually want to also add that there is nothing wrong in being interested in what actually is deemed the other genders interests. This alone, should be at the persons discretion !
I second JD. Definitely the single X makes a difference. Still the throw ball is considered to be girls' game and football to be guys' game. But it does not mean that girls cannot play football. It depends on their interest and there the X makes the difference. Also I feel that most of your apparent things are not existing anymore and they would have probably well suited the 1980s n 1990s girl. And last but not least your post picture and your post script totally contradict :P.
I just watched a movie called 'GIRLFIGHT'.Watch it and it probably portrays what you are thinking in a better way.In fact the way I see it after I watched that movie is that I have a feeling it depicts what girls are really after when they talk about equal rights.It is actually - 'A slight edge over men'.The movie presents this in a nice way.
@ lorry: natural interests different-a irukalam...aana "this is how a girl should be"ngara preconceived notion is what am not in agreement with...i dont like math but no girl is good at math nu solradhu thaan thappu.
btw...what bout the script and pic?!
In the post script, you have said that you believe in equal rights and duties but the pic says that the queen dominates the king. It is a contradiction. Isn't it?
i totally agree nits! while i consider the fact that the single x may or may not make a difference in defining one's interests (or abilities blah!) like the two comments above, it can not be completely attributable to the chromosome. also, i gave that consideration only coz i don't know the science fully well to comment. what you, as a soceity full of men with overbearing pride, say is what you say. why blame the chromosome!
that was purely because i could not fing a better pic to my liking...if you wish "take a closer look at the queen" could be an interpretation :)
This topic is something already 'done to death'! And people are still arguing on this.
Yeah, what Lorry said about the 90s women is right.Most of what you've said is now outdated. But there are newer things now (like women who wear some outfits are considered fast and such) and women stereotyping is still prevalent, we have to admit.
okay...the certain things u say belong to the 90s..belong then only in the metros..let us understand that the sample space is not the golden triangle or north indian metropolitans...they are the likes of rohtak, madurai, trivandrum, vizag etc., which form the majority of the urban society.
XX or XY.. it only gives what sex you were born with. It could never define abilities, interests or personalities or anything that people perceive as a gender based. In fact that whole concept is pointless when it comes to gays and lesbians (come on people Free speech!!) Their chromosomes are still the same like XX or XY but their behavior and interests are so vividly different to extremes. The point is it is not how you are born it is how you are raised or/and wired in your brain."But a girl who hugs a guy friend and who wears fitting clothes neednt be given a killer stare." Wouldn't people here give such a look when we dress traditional ?
actually no! i have myself worn traditional clothes to work HERE...assuming it is anywhere but India. And ya genetics was just a metaphorical background. Do not take it way too literally. I do accept your opinions on the abilities and stuff...it was just on a general basis, how sometimes your choices are considered inappropriate just because of your sexuality.
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